Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process

  1. The potential author(s) must register themselves on our Open Journal System (OJS) to be able to submit their manuscript.
  2. The submitted article will go through an initial review under the Editor-in-chief. The points to consider in the initial review includes; (1) Conformity of manuscript with focus and scope; (2) Significance and novelty of manuscript; (3) Conformity to guidelines of the manuscript; (4) Similarity check of the manuscript; (5) Copyright transfer agreement and statement of originality form availability.
  3. The Editor in Chief does initial review and makes one decision among the options; (1) rejected to peer-review process: the manuscript does not pass the initial review and will be sent back to the author(s) with attached comments; (2) revision to the peer-review process: the manuscript is sent back to the author(s) with attached comments. The author(s) is/are advised to refer to the comments and re-submit their manuscript to the system; (3) Accepted to peer-review process: the manuscript will be proceeded to the peer-review process under the section editor.
  4. Section editor assigns the proper experts for each manuscript for the double-blind peer-review process.
  5. The expert reviewers give constructive feedback for the manuscript with the following recommendations, (1) Accepted as it is; (2) Minor revision; (3) Major revision; (4) Resubmit elsewhere; (5) Decline submission.
  6. Section editor and editor in chief would consider reviewers’ recommendations and comments before making the following decisions, (1) Accepted as it is: there is not any substantial revision needed to the manuscript and it is enough to be proceeded to the next round; (2)Minor revisions: the manuscript is sent back to the author(s) and must refer to reviewers’ comments to proceed; (3) Major revision: the manuscript is sent back to the author(s) and they must respond to the reviewers’ feedback before uploading it to the OJS; (4) Resubmit elsewhere: the manus; (5) Decline submission: the manuscript failed the consideration process for publication.
  7. The manuscript may be revised few times until it is substantially enough to be proceed to the next step. Otherwise, it will be declined after the second round review or more.
  8. If the section editor and editor in chief make a final decision to decline, the author(s) will be notified through the OJS with the detailed comments enclosed.
  9. If the section editor and editor in chief make a final decision to accept, the manuscript will be sent to the copyeditor for typesetting and copyediting before it is sent back to the author(s) for a final overall check, and final technical revision.
  10. The final copyedit will then be proceeded for proofread and layout. Once the layout is done, the article will be openly displayed on the